Copyright Reservation

Validity of Copyright Notice on "The Atlantic Alliance Blog" under EU Law

1. Introduction
This document outlines the legal validity of using the copyright symbol (©) on "The Atlantic Alliance Blog" to assert copyright protection under the laws of the European Union (EU). The copyright notice serves as a public declaration of ownership and reservation of rights over the original content published on the blog.

2. Legal Basis for Copyright Protection in the EU
Copyright protection in the EU is governed by a harmonized framework established through various directives and regulations, including:

  • Directive 2001/29/EC (the "InfoSoc Directive") on the harmonization of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society.

  • Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, to which all EU Member States are signatories.

  • Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (UK) and equivalent national laws in other EU Member States, which implement EU directives into domestic law.

Under these legal instruments, copyright protection arises automatically upon the creation of an original work fixed in a tangible medium of expression. Registration or formalities are not required to secure copyright protection in the EU.

3. Use of the Copyright Symbol (©)
The copyright symbol (©), along with the name of the copyright owner and the year of first publication, is a widely recognized method of asserting copyright ownership. While not mandatory under EU law, the use of the copyright symbol serves several important purposes:

  • Notice to the Public: The symbol informs the public that the work is protected by copyright and identifies the copyright owner.

  • Deterrence Against Infringement: It acts as a deterrent against unauthorized use or reproduction of the work.

  • Evidence of Ownership: In case of disputes, the copyright notice can serve as evidence of the copyright owner's intent to assert their rights.

4. Validity of the Copyright Notice on "The Atlantic Alliance Blog"
The use of the copyright symbol (©) on "The Atlantic Alliance Blog" is valid and effective under EU law for the following reasons:

  1. Automatic Protection: The original content published on the blog, including articles, images, and other creative works, is automatically protected by copyright upon creation, in accordance with EU directives and the Berne Convention.

  2. Clear Declaration of Ownership: The copyright notice clearly identifies the owner of the content (e.g., "© 2023 The Atlantic Alliance Blog. All rights reserved."), which helps establish ownership in case of legal disputes.

  3. Compliance with International Standards: The use of the copyright symbol aligns with international copyright practices and is recognized globally, including in all EU Member States.

5. Enforcement of Copyright in the EU
In the event of copyright infringement, the copyright owner of "The Atlantic Alliance Blog" may enforce their rights under EU law by:

  • Sending a cease-and-desist letter to the infringing party.

  • Pursuing legal action for damages or injunctive relief in the appropriate national court.

  • Utilizing the mechanisms provided by the Digital Single Market Directive (Directive (EU) 2019/790), which strengthens the rights of content creators in the digital environment.

6. Conclusion
The use of the copyright symbol (©) on "The Atlantic Alliance Blog" is a valid and effective means of asserting copyright ownership under EU law. It serves as a clear notice to the public of the blog's reserved rights and provides a foundation for enforcing those rights in case of infringement.